The West Is

“The West” is …

German diplomats, French Eurocrats and American pundits, the European establishment, the leader of the Free World, Western politicians
Western aristocrats and corporate tycoons, European elites, the Corporate Media, psychopathic scumbags, NeoCons,

Europe is really run by an elite with the morality of the hedge fund: Make money at all costs and move it offshore.” Ben Judah

As long as the Elites believe they are untouchable by the slaves humbled below them, they will continue to rob and rape and murder.
When they see and feel the sentiment of the rest of humanity change, when they understand the shift to malocchio—in Sicilian, evil eye, then they will know their satanic, demigod rule over humanity is coming to an end.

The Western democracy is the hegemony of the West elite over sovereign nations.

#I am taking the right to state that The Netherlands and its so called Justice system & governing elite is a SCUM hole and parasitic, duplicitous, lying, corrupt sideshow of Israeli financial interests and a hand puppet of The US.”
“I’m not a traitor in Dutch "landsverrader" but the current elite is and they should be summarily shot or locked up for life.”  Anonymous from Netherland ex Dutch Citizen

“Western elites desire to loot #Russia, a juicy prize, and there stands #Putin in the way."

The wealth of the elites is based not only on looting weaker countries whose leaders can be purchased (read John Perkins’Confessions of an Economic Hit Man for instruction on how the looting works), but also on looting their own citizens. The American elites excel at looting their fellow citizens and have wiped out most of the US middle class in the new 21st century.

The arrogance, hubris and contempt for morality displayed by the ruling class is breathtaking to behold. They think they are untouchable and impervious to norms followed by the rest of society. They may have won the opening battle, but will lose the war. Discontent among the masses grows by the day. The critical thinking citizens are growing restless and angry. They are beginning to grasp the true enemy. The system has been captured by a few malevolent men. When the stock, bond and housing bubbles all implode simultaneously, all hell will break loose in this country. It will make Ferguson, Missouri look like a walk in the park. I wonder if the occupants of the Eccles building in Washington DC will get out alive.
Evidently, many US foreign policy elites do indeed want to back governments that kill there own people.

What matters to our foreign policy elites is our (or really their) interests. If supporting murderous regimes furthers their interests, they do it without hesitation. The bad press is inconvenient for them, but not determinative.

You have to be Russophobic to be allowed to be a member of the Western elite.

There was a theory about a group inside the khazarian elite ruling the world that decided to trash USA. Anonymous

all the money the US will by pouring into "European security" is just a grandiose bribe for some European elites and that it had no real effect on the ground.

the US imperial elites had clearly gone crazy a long time ago and that they were so stuck in their arrogance, their imperial hubris, there delusion of invincibility and their knee-jerk and systematic use of violence that they could no more be considered as rational  

The Western Ruling Class believes that its economic and military power are so transcendently overwhelming that Russia must submit to its demands.

With regard to the Ukraine, this is a delusion that leads nuclear war, but the delusion controls Ruling Class thinking.

our elites are as delusional as they are desperate, as driven as they are devoid of any concern for anyone anywhere except themselves and their immediate needs. Anonymous
such non-entities whom the Mayor of London so aptly referred to as the "great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies".

The Global Elites (mainly Anglo-Saxon and Jewish) want to survive all these changes, they want to keep playing the leading role in the next technological cycle.

Besides, regarding the true elites in the shadow we are not witnessing stupidity here, nor dementia, we are witnessing total evil.

Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
The USAN elites are currently in that state of mind.

The western criminal oligarch elite (royal court) must be certain of their destruction in any nuclear war they start to prevent them from ever starting a nuclear war.

Russian elites must forgot whatever illusions they have about the real objectives of the western elites. Westerners, only lust for the submission, followed by physical and cultural disintegration of Russia.

one of the reasons the US Fed was created as the elite was no longer interested in propping up govt spending that was necessry to develop what is now called the Military Industrial Complex.

With the MIC, the elite were always assured a favourable return on investment regardless of the booms and busts that aggect the serfs and masses.

"...while maybe the top US military command was still mainly composed of rational men, the US imperial elites had clearly gone crazy a long time ago..."

Since collapse of Soviet Union all major political powers in Poland tend to place Uncle Sam interests far above those of whole nation and economy. Involvement in (illegal) Iraq war, illegal CIA detention facilities, pushing ACTA down EU throat, now pushing whole EU into Ukraine fiasco to name a few.

remember, elites have to tell the rabble what to think

The current EU and Nato leaders are not of the "nation building" class, they attend for personal agendas such as money and power positions after their terms run out. Voters and elections are frowned upon as necessary evils in order to keep the cloak of democracy plausible.

only one political party has a coherent point of view on how harmful these (EU) “clowns” are, it's François Asselineau's UPR — victim of an almost complete censorship from the mainstream media. UPR develops only through the internet and local radios. François Asselineau's conferences (only in French, unfortunately) on how and why the EU project came to life are enlightening.

"Western Democracies". Success is measured by the ability to obey to authorities, apply self-censorship, turn to the loudest and shrillest cheerleader for the "noble cause" and consequently, one's vulnerability to propaganda. "Decision making elites", including public intellectuals are considered useful idiots, because they are the most gullible and therefore the primary targets of propaganda.

(Poland) Since 2010 this has been greatly magnified when Uncle Sam proceeded with character assassination and subsequent murder of Andrew Lepper - politician who disclosed illegal detentions and tortures of Arabs by CIA in a facility located in Poland. They did an example from him ('american style') and since then all politicians complied.

Latest Ukraine fiasco (along with huge propaganda campaign in our media) shows that Tusk and Sikorski are keen to cause not only huge damages but even destroy whole country by pushing whole nation into war with Russia if US demands so.

The West is founded on theft and murder, and its ruling Elite remains as dearly infatuated with this behaviour as ever. Forms a key part of this Elite's very class consciousness, the more so since without the loot there'll be no way for them to buy domestic social peace and chauvinistic cohesion.

Donald Tusk will pursue the same detrimental policies on EU which will magnify all this suicidal stupidity EU elites are pursuing now.

Unlike their grovelling subjects, however, the Western Elite knows it's deeply hated throughout most of the world. Hence, they're constantly raging and fuming in accordance with what seems most threatening to them at any given moment. At present, it is the aspirations of Russia to put an end to Western financial parasitism, but being at odds with an ever growing majority of the world's population could bring about changed priorities instantly. The corporate media duly passes on the new "party line" to the Western zombies without much difficulty.

The British Government is deeply, deeply immoral. They don’t care how many people they kill abroad if it advances them. Anybody who votes No [to Scottish independence] is voting to support a pathological state which is a danger in the world, a rogue state and a state prepared to go to war to make a few people wealthy,” Murray said in a speech made ahead of an historic vote on Scottish independence to be held in just three weeks. “I’ve seen things from the inside and the UK’s foreign interventions are almost always about resources. It is every bit as corrupt as others have indicated. It is not an academic construct, the system stinks,” A former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray

Well, he is an authoritarian who learned to disguise his obedience to power by internalising elite talking points and packaging them in blissful and emotionally laden rhetoric. Typically, one would refer to such a person as a "useful idiot". He gave up principles for career opportunities, in the service of corporate and imperial interests.

I was first struck by the amount of falsehood and manipulation in the written or broadcast media. These media were full of glorification of the Western society, undoubtedly presented as being superior in every aspect. The others, Eastern countries, were systematically criticized and slandered.

Unfortunately, we were bound to quickly become disillusioned and understand that we would not enter into a new era of peace and prosperity. It was all lies and promises from the West. Their intentions were far from sincere and honest, and they never intended to deal with us as equals. Their only endgame was as Western conqueror, triumphant and vengeful. Wishing to enslave us in order to better exploit us.

The stupidity and the greed of Westerners in general, Americans in particular, have led to where we are now, a dead-end without alternative.

Today the West has lost its hegemony over the world. The failure of its policy since 1989 is complete!

the West had ideas of conquest and domination

In the West it is all about making profit. To achieve this no crime is too big.

The present-day utter evilness of the West is ALL you need to talk about, to win support from a growing number of ordinary Humans. This clarity is your greatest weapon.

I woke up during the Serbian bombing and discovered democracy, the west were not what I had believed. Simmilar to discovering you are a member of a cult.

To be in the anglo-saxon cultural tribe <..>Somehow, in some very physical and spiritual way <..> very common habit desensitize and dehumanize a person.

Not only does the American mind set not understand how other people see the world, but also this mind does not feel how other people feel the world. I fear for us all.

It was the same script for every single country how the West is going to loot.

25 years on, neoliberalism has turned the West to such a stinking, rotting corpse that its remaining ardent believers are just simply beyond redemption, below contempt.

Morons think the West is vulnerable to humour and mocking. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What the West wants is for people to keep talking about the false flag for as long as possible. So the West blows 'hot' then 'cold' to generate 'talking points' so fools think they are scoring some kind of verbal victory. When you have no power, all you can do is talk.

Thisbackward stoneage behaviour of the US elites. These lies and forgeries of truth and ethics the westen countries have set even against their own population...

Only idiots would believe the mainstream media that is the mouthpiece of the Western lying governments.

Many individuals within the Western elite, and its paid agents in politics, business, academia, the military and the media, have a terrified desire for control. Robert J. Burrowes
Elite Insanity on Display in Ukraine

Well that is just proof enough to show that the Western elite is after control of the world and the only way that is achievable is when you know how many enemies you have.
At this point, maybe it's time to reflect on how the MSM truly works, keeping in mind that the propaganda machine is controlled by a handful of "individual" entities.

‏The elite dont just control the opposition, they create it for us 
Monopolized under only a small handful of corporations, major news outlets serve the purpose of misleading the public on important issues and manufacturing consent for government and the oligarchs

Designer War By Default - Seven Types of Elite Madness
The Market Oracle-Jul 30, 2014

On a daily basis in 2014, Western elite schizophrenia was on view, with the Ukraine crisis

What kind of Russia does Brzezinski want to see?
- Russia without Putin
- Russia as a confederation, not a federation
- Russia as a periphery country providing the West with energy resources.

The dominant elite ready to break the "social contract"
Hyper-automatization will allow the super-rich to “get rid” of the rest

The peoples in Europe have no say on politics these days. Most big decisions are taken on the EU-level where unelected beaurocrats push the agenda. And in smaller matters back home we fight against mainstream parties elected not so much by the public but by the media. Marcus

"What would interest me to hear from you is why your Swedish elites and politicians are so russophobic? Do you think its a blind reflex from the cold war years? Or do you think that your politicians (Bildt, Reinfeldt etc) and business elites (Wallenberg, Bonniers, etc) are satrapies of the empire?"

western elites they might not want convergence because theyre greedy little pigs, but that is what has to happen in Ukraine.

As for the usa; pax amaricana lasted not 100 years, but about 10 years, from the fall of the soviets, to september 11, 2001, which just so happened to also be the apotheosis of the untied states.

And by his reference to zones around the globe we can determine the end to IMF, WTO, and many other institutions from which the Rules of the Elites are enforced.

Putin CANNOT win an "argument" (propaganda attack) with the "West", even with all evidence on his side. The Zionist-controlled MSM reports "Western" lies and deception as "truth" and the American vast herds of "sheeple" simply swallow all the "official" Washington (actually, Tel Aviv) BS.

First of all, Germany is not West, its Central....and unfortunately for the whole world, Germany has not recovered from the WW11 in a sufficient way to become the partner of Russia.

Worse, the entire mass media and pseudo-independent media of the West describes Russians and Putin as the new Hamas, the new Nazis, the new ISIS- the demonic threat that threatens the future of Mankind. A bit of a hint as to what future the West wants to give Russia.

I think that Putin has tried and failed in his "convergence" because of covert politics...Merkel is clearly on the payroll of Washington ... which is on the payroll of Great Britain... Merkel even reminds me of an English Lord...a total upper crust English Lord.

Germans are not Western...they're Central and they could offer the world better things than the West.

the dominant American meme is that one's foe must be insane, ultimately evil, and possessing of no positive qualities whatsoever; never mind redemptive qualities

Its been proven without doubt that the National Socialist Party was an invention and investment of ... guess who ??? the Bank of England and Wall Street. See Prof.Guido Preparata's "Conjuring Hitler" which gives a very scholarly and well researched analysis of the NSP.

Convergence (with the western elite)  is not a bad plan if you have honest partners...

Club XXI : le mystérieux réseau de l'élite de demain
Alors que Fleur Pellerin vient d'être nommée ministre de la Culture et de la Communication dans le nouveau gouvernement Valls II, Hervé Gattegno l'avait rencontrée, elle et les autres membres du club XXIe Siècle, ces copains d'avant qui préparent la France d'après.

Insane bill in Senate will ultimately result in nuclear destruction


It will also sabotage the Russia idea of one zone of peace and stability from Lisbon to Vladivostok and it will make the creation of a Eurasian Union more difficult

not Mafiaosos in charge of the government and banks...

Here is Starikov in less than 3 minutes explaining how the Russian oligarch is simply a mechanism for transferring Russia's resources to the West

The West, the greatest cause of War in human history, stands stripped of all Legitimacy — Paul Craig Roberts

 How much money England, France and USA stole from Russia

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